i-Weekly Microgreens Shares from our friends at Tiny Greens Farm.
What is included:
A variation of microgreens between 1.5-2 ounces each pick up that rotates seasonally with harvest that includes a mix of brassicas, radishes, and herbs from June to November. All produce is harvested and delivered fresh within 24 hours.
How it works:
Microgreen shares will be available when pre-ordered at EVERY OTHER CSA pick up starting the week of June 3rd with the last week being October 28th. **Please note vegetable CSA shares run each week from June 3rd to November 8th.
The retail price of this share is $71.88 up front for 12 pick-ups (or about $5.99 per week).
Sliding Scale Discounts & Other Affordable Share Options:
Add-on shares are not available for sliding scale discounts at this time.